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Fragment from article 'The Prehensor' by Dr.Mary Shelley.
Published in 'Ex-pell' print sub-zine, June 2002.

"...In response to the gross dualism of contemporary civilisation, relying, as it does, on dualistic technologies and blinded, as it is, by the veil of binary barbarism; in response to the almost total kinesthetic amnesia visited upon the overdeveloped world, culture of bulging eyes, battered ears, and endless meaningless cerebral chattering, bodies listless and dumb; in reponse to these I have created the prehensor, or what I like to call the pentathol prehensor, seeing, as it does, through the globally telecommunicated encryptions of lies.

As opposed to the vijnana technology of civilised society - stressing dualism, subject/object differentiation, binary, analytical and divisive - the prehensor is a prajnic technology - non-differentiating, whole, unified.

The prehensor - named after Alfred North Whitehead's conception of the 'prehension' or 'holdingness' between all spatio-temporal unities in the universe - is a non-binary knowledge or information system. The 'prehensor' does nor deliver information as discrete units accessed via a visual or auditory interface. The prehensor directs 'in-pulses' to the body as a whole, bypassing the frontal lobe, and achieving what I call 'kinesthetic inscaping', or 'KI-ing'. The prehensor is primarily sensate not mental, experiential not cerebral.

Given that the prehensor slips beneath the current normative perceptual route of information, a recipient experiences knowledge inputs as 'full realisation' or 'gestalts', without the interference of consciousness. Being 'KI-ed' is received by the recipient on a more base level, resulting in a profoundly wide array of instantaneous responses - from spontaneous collapse, to uncontrollable laughter or crying, to experiences akin to orgasms or seizures, to lengthy trance states.

Because it bypasses conscious personal and cultural information editing reflexes which can shield an individual from psychological overload, being 'KI-ed' can be traumatic, both physically and ontologically. Temporary or even lengthy disorientation, short-term or long-term muscular or skeletal discomfort, shifts in digestive patterns, etc., are but a few of the manifestations of what I call 'being-bruising'..."

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