An Ode to Incarnation

An Ode to Incarnation

I’m the ephemeral union
            the temporal assembly
            the passing coherence
            the momentary encounter
            the transient intersection
            the makeshift collaboration

of a trillion organisms
comprising a billion universes.

I’m      a ball briefly burning brilliantly
            a comet
            a candle to kindling
            an also ran flash in the pan
whose dwindling gravitational field
and centripetal force
is devolving entropically.

The pull of distant stars
fingers the cracks in my stardust crust
figuring to find my fulcrum,
dismantle my mortal mantle,
and pry my core free.

Mortal uncoiling,
centre not holding,
carefree corroding,
here now,
for now,
nowhere to go,
but out.