A Call to DIVE III – PaulArio

Wow, it’s already been two weeks since I last sent a missive.

The word from the street is that folks seemed to gravitate to ‘The Pastry Shop’, which is no great surprise. But let’s face it, my mission, at least in in part, is to shift the centre of gravity.

So, in a last bit of gentle hootzpah before I lay on a CrowdFunder, I give you ‘PaulArio’. This is a piece which some of you may genuinely wonder if it actually qualifies as music, and some of you will think maybe Brian Eno met Kayhan Kalhor… Persian Ambient Psychedelia?

How can I explain?
Two searching souls meet one another, and through a strange course of recognition and discovery, become inextricably bound to a divine being, and a mutual pathway of devastation and awakening.

Headphones are especially useful.